Are you aware of your risk appetite? Get your Risk Score now!
Our quick and easy risk assessment helps you understand your risk tolerance and investment goals.

Get a free Portfolio Analysis to understand your current risk profile.
Analyze your existing investments to identify potential risks and hidden opportunities.
Invest Smarter.
Tailored Portfolios for Everyone.
ORIM empowers every investor with data-driven investment strategies with no investment barrier.
Get matched with the perfect portfolio for you, built on these foundation.

Psychometric Risk Profiling
We understand your true risk tolerance, not just what you say on a form.

ML-based Risk Analysis & Factor Analysis
Uncover hidden risks and opportunities in your existing portfolio.

Quant-based Investing
Eliminating emotional biases, we craft data-driven investment strategies tailored to your risk profile and financial goals.

Constant Monitoring & Rebalancing
We keep your portfolio on track with your risk profile and goals.
ORIM offers personalized investment strategies based on your risk tolerance.
ORIM LR strategy
- Diversified offering across gold, debt, and equity markets (Suitable for conservative investors)
- Chargeable 6 monthly INR 2,999 + GST
- Recommended investment tenure: 3+ years
ORIM MR strategy
- Personalized mix of multi-cap equities, gold and debt products. (Suitable for moderate risk tolerance)
- Chargeable 6 monthly INR 2,999 + GST
- Recommended investment tenure: 3+ years
ORIM HR strategy
- Concentrated equity portfolio focusing on multi-cap stocks for potentially higher returns. (Suitable for high risk investors)
- Chargeable 6 monthly INR 2,999 + GST
- Recommended investment tenure: 3+ years
Invest with confidence and transparency using our intuitive dashboard.
Customised as per your current investment portfolio and risk profile.

Questioning Your Current Investments? Get a Free Second Opinion.
Use our free portfolio analyzer to identify risks and the right investment approach
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